Principal's Page
Welcome to Brownstown Elementary! Thanks for taking the time to find out more about our school.
Conestoga Valley School District has a commitment to providing a well-rounded education for all students and has a strong history of excellence. As we build on this foundation, I look forward to working together as partners on behalf of our students.
Below you will find the Conestoga Valley School District Mission and Vision Statements as well as our core beliefs. Please feel free to contact your child's classroom teacher, our school counselor or myself should you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year.
Brownstown Main Office
Principal: Phil Ludwig. Email him here.
Assistant Principal: Travis Jones. Email him here.
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: (717) 656-6021
Fax: (717) 656-9172
To educate all students to be competent, caring, and contributing citizens in an ever-changing global community.
To develop the maximum potential of every individual.
We believe in the following foundations:
- Advancing the academic potential of all students.
- Demonstrating proficiency with technology.
- Inspiring critical thinking skills.
- Fostering effective communication skills.
- Providing a safe and accepting learning environment.
- Promoting the development of core character traits.
- Cultivating a well-rounded educational program.
- Instilling the practice of life-long learning.